Facebook is creating a very fragile society where if what you say or do isn't liked, then your self worth is diminished. Being from a generation that didn't have computers or cell phones growing up and even out of high school, I can leave the Facebook world and its subliminal message of conformity very easily. But what about the younger generations that know nothing but this? What are the adults of the future going to be like?
I ask this in the aftermath of the Supreme Court making gay marriage legal in this country. I'd like to believe that I would be sober enough to argue that the non-elected justices in the Supreme Court should not create laws, regardless of whether I was in favor of the issue or not. It so happens I am not in favor of gay marriage so its an easier conclusion for me.
Personally I don't care if gay people get married. Its not like straight people honor the institution of marriage for what God created it to be. My problem is that it is going to propel the criminalization of Christianity and that has already begun. In Oregon, a bakery turned away a gay couple and the State issued a gag order against them, stating that they could not talk about their faith because it was discriminatory. What a minute. If homosexuality is against my religion, why do people get to flaunt it? Isn't that discriminatory against me?
Most of the country is not in favor of gay marriage, to be completely honest. But you wouldn't know it. The day after the Supreme Court decision, lots of people on Facebook put the sheer rainbow over their profile picture. Did anyone put up a traditional marriage symbol? No. Because if you do, you get stomped on. You get called names and might even - gasp - have people unfriend you. Not like you actually talk to each of those 3,000 people on your page. Its not like you actually know what's going on in their life or even give a shit.
I posted something on my page. I posted a sign that said "Keep Calm, Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman." I got one like. But I didn't post it to get liked. I posted it because my conscience wouldn't allow me to just sit there. Its not like we have to thump the Bible over peoples' heads. But we should exercise our right to speak up, shouldn't we? Because at the end of the day, the most important person who should "like" you, is you.