I watch cable news. Its how I get my news. It used to be CNN but now its Fox News. Could no longer take what I was hearing on CNN. I think a lot of people feel that way since their ratings are down. But with what's going on with the Kavanaugh hearings, I can't believe what I'm hearing no matter what the channel is.
I guess things were not going the way the Democrats wished and so as a hail mary pass, Feinstein whips out a letter from someone who said she was assaulted by Kavanaugh 40 years ago. In this Metoo# era, well, that's all you need and the guy is a cad. Or worse. All his experience, all his knowledge doesn't matter now. Its irrelevant. The Metoo# movement may have been necessary to begin with but what has it become? Its being weaponized and aimed at any man at will and now men are told to "Shut Up." Impossible to believe what we've come to. The burden of proof has shifted to the accused and due process is out the window. And to make matters worse, the victim can now dictate to the Senate when and if she will testify. If she doesn't testify, then this whole thing was nothing more than a drive by shooting. And we sit here and say nothing.
As if these hearings were not a circus already with Senator Spartacus and Kamala Harris who acts like she's on Law and Order. And then there's the paid protestors and women saying they will die if Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Dear Lord help us.