Thursday, December 22, 2016


I remember a few years back, there was a fad where kids were wearing bracelets that said WWJD.  I think even non-Christians were wearing it because it was en vogue.  Anyway, what would Jesus do?  We never really answered the question.  And then the fad passed, as most do.  What should have happened, is we should have found out what Jesus would have done - and then gone and done exactly the same thing.  But we don't.  And the reason is, because what He would do is so contrary to what the world would do that it baffles us. 

Be kind to those that hurt you.  Forgive.  Show love.  Be long suffering.  Be patient.  Be Christ-like.  That's the real answer.  And its an answer that God sets out to accomplish in our lives, if it takes 50 years. Or even longer. 

So he brings that difficult person into our life.  He allows things to happen that shake our core at times.  He does those things because he's conforming us to his image.  What we don't realize at times is that we want to conform him to our image.  That will never happen.  We justify our actions at times and sometimes use God's grace as a safeguard but the end result is that we are going to continue to deal with the same issues until we get to the end our ourselves and then do what Jesus would do. 

And that's place where you find out, if you are marching to the beat of the only drummer that matters, and no one else is with you, then so be it.  You have decided in your heart to allow God to begin and continue that work in you, that work that began in the spirit until the rest of the world see's Christ in you.  And that's where the peace comes.  That's where joy resides.  And we think, why didn't we follow him sooner. 

Let's start to do what Jesus would do this Christmas and into the new year and see how you, yes you, will begin to change the world.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


This was one crazy election.  I'm so glad its over.  And I'm still in shock that Donald Trump won, even though I voted for him.  A big part of me thought there was no way he could win.  But looking at the results, it appears that this country really is sick of the same old politics.  I was never that enamored by Trump but I could not stomach voting for Hillary knowing what we know about her.  Whatever his dysfunctions are, he is not a corrupt politician.  And being a Republican and a conservative, there were the Supreme Court nominees to keep in mind.  And Obamacare is a mess. 

I read the negative tweets by Alec Baldwin, who is becoming more irrelevant every day.  And it's not just him, it's lots of others, but I guess that's to be expected.  I don't know how this country is going to unite but we'll have to find a way.  I hope Trump rises to the call and is presidential.  I hope he thinks and listens to his advisors.  I believe he will and I honestly don't think this country is going to be doomed as others think it will be.  We have to be hopeful.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Remember when Glen Beck had his own show on Fox News and every day he would go on about the left wing progressives and how evil they were?   He had his chalkboard and all his visuals.  Everyday angry or crying about how our country is going down the tubes.  Then there was Sean Hannity who pretty much didn't hold back how he felt about the progressives.  And of course there was Rush Limbaugh, always angry about something.  Add to that Alex Jones and Michael Savage on you tube and radio.  And then there's kooky Sarah.

The party then split into the Tea Party and the so called "Rhinos."  I personally felt that because I didn't agree with the tea party, that although I have been a Republican my whole adult life, I was now deemed one in name only and therefore not a true member of the party.   So ok.  Whatever.  There was no longer any room for moderates in the Republican party. 

So what did they think was going to happen?  Someone like Trump comes along and all these people that have been listening to the above named personalities glob onto him like he's the second coming.  They've been listening to the anger way before Trump came along.  So no one should really be surprised. 

But - are the things he's saying wrong?  Don't we want jobs to come back to America?  Don't we want this country to be what it once was?  Don't we have a right to secure our boarders just like every other country can? 

Today I read that Trump doesn't feel that he needs to tone down his campaign.  Of course he doesn't, its what's gotten him to where he is now.   He's even willing to act like he doesn't know who David Duke is so not to lose any supporters.  Everything he's doing is very calculated.  I think he likes the violence in his rallies.  If he didn't, he would have already directed his supporters to behave but he hasn't.  And by the way -  he has everything to do with what's going on in his rallies.  I hear pundits trying to spin that the other way but come on.  Let's just be honest. 

Clearly this country has been split for a long time but now it seems like its more quartered.  There's the leftist progressives, the radical right, the moderates and whatever the centrist democrats are called.  And I believe there are some.  We like to think that after the general election, that this country will unite but that's not going to happen. 

So what do we do?  I don't know.  I suppose keep putting the lipstick on that pig for now.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fair Game

"How will this affect the presidential race? Trump's remarks certainly won't do him any damage in the primaries. Contrary to liberal myth, there are such things as Republican women and they tend to be just as conservative as Republican men.
In the general election, however, many more moderate women may find it unappealing that The Donald chooses to personalize politics by going after Bill Clinton and see his remarks as underscoring conservative hostility towards feminists trying to break the glass ceiling."
This is from a CNN article by Tim Stanley, view link here
Anyway, I consider myself a moderate woman and I don't find it unappealing that Trump chooses to personalize politics by going after Bill Clinton... .  I remember being so horribly embarrassed when the news of Monica Lewinsky leaked and the full deposition transcript was printed in the paper.  I was mortified.  This country was a laughingstock.  So, its fair game really.  And honestly, I'm not so concerned about feminists trying to break any glass ceilings.  I think its more important to elect the right person, not someone based on their gender just so a glass ceiling can be shattered.  How many people voted for the current president only to have the first black president?  And where did that leave us? 
I like the line that says contrary to liberal myth, there are Republican women.  I suppose because of the social issues concerning women, all are expected to be liberal.   I don't meet a whole lot of Republican women but I know they are out there.  Its probably because I live in California.  But I don't like being lumped into one group just because of my gender.  I have a choice you know.  Isn't that what liberals are all about, choice?