Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fair Game

"How will this affect the presidential race? Trump's remarks certainly won't do him any damage in the primaries. Contrary to liberal myth, there are such things as Republican women and they tend to be just as conservative as Republican men.
In the general election, however, many more moderate women may find it unappealing that The Donald chooses to personalize politics by going after Bill Clinton and see his remarks as underscoring conservative hostility towards feminists trying to break the glass ceiling."
This is from a CNN article by Tim Stanley, view link here http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/04/opinions/stanley-bill-clinton/index.html
Anyway, I consider myself a moderate woman and I don't find it unappealing that Trump chooses to personalize politics by going after Bill Clinton... .  I remember being so horribly embarrassed when the news of Monica Lewinsky leaked and the full deposition transcript was printed in the paper.  I was mortified.  This country was a laughingstock.  So, its fair game really.  And honestly, I'm not so concerned about feminists trying to break any glass ceilings.  I think its more important to elect the right person, not someone based on their gender just so a glass ceiling can be shattered.  How many people voted for the current president only to have the first black president?  And where did that leave us? 
I like the line that says contrary to liberal myth, there are Republican women.  I suppose because of the social issues concerning women, all are expected to be liberal.   I don't meet a whole lot of Republican women but I know they are out there.  Its probably because I live in California.  But I don't like being lumped into one group just because of my gender.  I have a choice you know.  Isn't that what liberals are all about, choice? 

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