Saturday, October 6, 2018


I'm sure most people throughout the nation are feeling somewhat bruised by this entire debacle.  The horror of sexual assault is real but so is being wrongly accused of that crime.  You cannot pile the bars of justice on one end of the scale.  That is not how this country works. 

How can you be a woman and not believe her, I've seen women asked.  What? A woman cannot understand due process?  Do we need a man to explain it to us?  Isn't that contrary to what feminists argue?  I say no.  All of us should should be thankful for the justice system we have in place.  Has it failed some? It has.  But we dont abandon it because we should blindly "believe her."  Let juris prudence prevail.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


I watch cable news.  Its how I get my news.  It used to be CNN but now its Fox News.  Could no longer take what I was hearing on CNN.  I think a lot of people feel that way since their ratings are down.  But with what's going on with the Kavanaugh hearings, I can't believe what I'm hearing no matter what the channel is.

I guess things were not going the way the Democrats wished and so as a hail mary pass, Feinstein whips out a letter from someone who said she was assaulted by Kavanaugh 40 years ago.  In this Metoo# era, well, that's all you need and the guy is a cad.  Or worse.  All his experience, all his knowledge doesn't matter now.  Its irrelevant.  The Metoo# movement may have been necessary to begin with but what has it become?  Its being weaponized and aimed at any man at will and now men are told to "Shut Up."  Impossible to believe what we've come to.  The burden of proof has shifted to the accused and due process is out the window.  And to make matters worse, the victim can now dictate to the Senate when and if she will testify.  If she doesn't testify, then this whole thing was nothing more than a drive by shooting.  And we sit here and say nothing.

As if these hearings were not a circus already with Senator Spartacus and Kamala Harris who acts like she's on Law and Order.  And then there's the paid protestors and women saying they will die if Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Dear Lord help us.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

What's the deal?

Wasn't everyone friendly with Putin?  Let's not be hypocritical here.

Monday, December 11, 2017

I hate Christmas

Is it ok to hate Christmas sometimes?  I'm not talking about hating the true meaning of Christmas, but rather hating the fact that the true meaning is completely eclipsed by the business of the season.  Once Thanksgiving is over, there seems to be a feeling in the air, one of hurriedness.  Hurry and make your crafts.  Hurry and decorate.  Hurry and shop.  Hurry, hurry, hurry.  And so many commercials.

There are things about Christmas that I love.  Such as the lights, images of snow covered trees, the scents, all of that.  But the rest of it just brings me down.  I don't want to go shopping right now.  I don't want to put up a Christmas tree when its 80 degrees outside and the fans are all running.  The calendar dictates our lives to us and I don't like it.  What would make it better?

How about knowing that December 25 is coming soon and that it's a day we celebrate that Jesus was born.  That he was born humbly and quietly, although he was the creator of all that exists?  How about we then humble ourselves and plan to use this time to help others in need, those that don't have everything we have?  What would be wrong with that?

Oh yes, the economy.  Let's not forget that.  The car industry needs to move those cars after all.  I would never want a car for Christmas, as odd as that sounds.  It's NOT my birthday.  A car for MY birthday would be awesome.  But not on someone else's birthday. I know the three wise men came bearing gifts but the gifts were for Jesus.  And God the Father gave Jesus to us as the greatest gift of all.  But the business of giving gifts to each other has muddled all of that.

I always liked the story of the Grinch because after he took away all the trappings of the season, the people of the town were still joyful and still singing on Christmas morning.  If I had any say, I would take all the trappings away, except gifts for the kids, who are too young to understand, and hope that everyone else would have a sort of epiphany about the true season.

Love your enemy.  Love those that despitefully use you.  Use the birth of Christ to make amends with those you are harboring bitterness against or who maybe you have hurt in some way.  Help your elderly neighbor or the homeless person you see every day.  Be a friend to someone who needs one.  Imagine if that is how everyone spent Christmas day.  You could take the most beautiful Christmas scene imaginable and I don't think it would come close to the beauty of what that day would become.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


I remember a few years back, there was a fad where kids were wearing bracelets that said WWJD.  I think even non-Christians were wearing it because it was en vogue.  Anyway, what would Jesus do?  We never really answered the question.  And then the fad passed, as most do.  What should have happened, is we should have found out what Jesus would have done - and then gone and done exactly the same thing.  But we don't.  And the reason is, because what He would do is so contrary to what the world would do that it baffles us. 

Be kind to those that hurt you.  Forgive.  Show love.  Be long suffering.  Be patient.  Be Christ-like.  That's the real answer.  And its an answer that God sets out to accomplish in our lives, if it takes 50 years. Or even longer. 

So he brings that difficult person into our life.  He allows things to happen that shake our core at times.  He does those things because he's conforming us to his image.  What we don't realize at times is that we want to conform him to our image.  That will never happen.  We justify our actions at times and sometimes use God's grace as a safeguard but the end result is that we are going to continue to deal with the same issues until we get to the end our ourselves and then do what Jesus would do. 

And that's place where you find out, if you are marching to the beat of the only drummer that matters, and no one else is with you, then so be it.  You have decided in your heart to allow God to begin and continue that work in you, that work that began in the spirit until the rest of the world see's Christ in you.  And that's where the peace comes.  That's where joy resides.  And we think, why didn't we follow him sooner. 

Let's start to do what Jesus would do this Christmas and into the new year and see how you, yes you, will begin to change the world.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


This was one crazy election.  I'm so glad its over.  And I'm still in shock that Donald Trump won, even though I voted for him.  A big part of me thought there was no way he could win.  But looking at the results, it appears that this country really is sick of the same old politics.  I was never that enamored by Trump but I could not stomach voting for Hillary knowing what we know about her.  Whatever his dysfunctions are, he is not a corrupt politician.  And being a Republican and a conservative, there were the Supreme Court nominees to keep in mind.  And Obamacare is a mess. 

I read the negative tweets by Alec Baldwin, who is becoming more irrelevant every day.  And it's not just him, it's lots of others, but I guess that's to be expected.  I don't know how this country is going to unite but we'll have to find a way.  I hope Trump rises to the call and is presidential.  I hope he thinks and listens to his advisors.  I believe he will and I honestly don't think this country is going to be doomed as others think it will be.  We have to be hopeful.